State of Washington Recovers $3.5 Million in First Qui Tam Suit Filed Under the Washington State Medicaid Fraud False Claims Act
Qui Tam Relator Received $292,800 of the Recovery
In the winter of 2015, Daniel DeLue and Mark D. Walters represented the first relator under the Washington State Medicaid Fraud False Claims Act in a qui tam suit against Sea Mar Community Health Center. Among other concerns, the qui tam whistleblower suit alleged that the dental clinic improperly billed Medicaid for fluoride treatments, which could have been performed by dental assistants as part of a patient’s regular six-month checkups, as stand-alone appointments with a dentist or hygienist. The State of Washington recovered $3.5 million, and the whistleblower received $292,800 of the government’s recovery.
Seattle Times: Sea Mar to pay $3.65M to settle probe into Medicaid billings
Washington Attorney General Office Press Release: Sea Mar Health Centers to pay $3.35 million in Attorney General’s Office investigation of improper billing
Seattle Times: Sea Mar to pay $3.65M to settle probe into Medicaid billings
Washington Attorney General Office Press Release: Sea Mar Health Centers to pay $3.35 million in Attorney General’s Office investigation of improper billing